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10 Common Reasons Your Furnace Circuit Board Burns Out + Fixes

September 11, 2024 Hussain Bhatti No Comments

A perfect heating system generates warmth so your property remains comfortable. For instance, the malfunction fried the circuit board during a typical New York winter. As a homeowner, you answer how to fix these issues. Unfortunately, many failures are noticed too late, during the cold months, and few things are worse than your house getting colder when you need warmth the most.

What Is a Circuit Board in a Gas or Oil Furnace?

The circuit board in a gas or oil furnace is crucial as it burns fuel to produce heat. It acts like the brain which handles everything from ignition—ensuring the stove turns on when needed—to managing critical parts like fuel valves, blowers, and flame sensors. Some boards even integrate air conditioning functions. Whether your model is electric or not, the circuit board is necessary for the unit’s operations, acting as the brain that sends vital information to various mechanisms.

10 Common Issues That Lead to Circuit Board Failures

Below are some of the most common issues:

1. Power Disruptions

First of all, power disruptions and electrical surges can damage your home’s appliances. One lightning strike sends a massive energy surge through your wiring, quickly frying the circuit board like crispy wings in a hot oil pan. Regular fluctuations in power can also stress the circuitry and cause costly damages that aren’t offered in warranty claims. Thus, if you’re experiencing continuous furnace on-and-off issues, then fix the power.

2. Static Shock

Secondly, a static shock—it’s more than just a tiny zap you might feel during dry winter months. When static electricity builds up, it can suddenly discharge and damage the circuit board of your furnace.

Don’t you know why it happens?

When inexperienced HVAC technicians handle the system without proper grounding, a powerful electrostatic discharge causes the wires and parts of the furnace to discharge. Ultimately, you’ll start seeing potentially destructive issues in the furnace.

3. Clogged Filter

Most users often overlook the dirty furnace filters. Like the Air Conditioner filter, the furnace filters get clogged over time. The buildup contaminants include dust and debris. This clogging puts pressure on the blower motor and results in overheating of the system. In some severe cases, it can even burn or catch fire.

Cure: Replace the filters after every three months and earlier if the condition is worse.

4. Blower Motor Problems

You don’t notice any issue unless you hear strange noises from the blower motor. It can strain your furnace, draw more power, and potentially blow a fuse if it fails. It can also create imbalances in the fan or worn-out bearings. So, keep your ears attentive and act promptly if you hear something unusual.

5. Dirty Fuse

A dirty fuse might seem like a minor error, but it can disrupt the entire system if not maintained. A fuse covered in dirt and grime struggles to operate efficiently and could lead to system-wide failure.

So, just do an annual inspection and tune-up to avoid minor issues from becoming major headaches.

6. Faulty Solder Connections

One of the common issues with your furnace control board is faulty solder connections. This problem starts with the metallic circuitry used to control functions and electricity flow, which is very similar to the wiring in your home. These circuits are connected to the board through Molex plugs soldered to the back of the board.

Meanwhile, a gap forms between the stem and the circuitry if these solder cracks. As a result, the board doesn’t work correctly. It’s like when a small crack in a dam starts to let water through—it might not seem like much, but it can cause big problems.

7. Wiring Issues

Another big culprit is wiring issues caused by vibrations from the furnace running. You may see videos where vibration loosens the nuts and through them. Likewise, these vibrations can loosen wires on the control panel.

Imagine that every time your furnace starts up, it’s like a mini earthquake for the wiring inside. These shorts can cause the breaker switch to trip, and if your furnace doesn’t start even when the switch is in the on position, you’ve likely got loose wiring. Thus, faulty and loose wires blow out a control board fuse.

Cure: By tightening, adjusting, or replacing these loose wires, you can restore the control board’s function and keep your home cozy all winter.

8. Transistor Issues

The transistors act like gatekeepers between the furnace and the electrical current. Problems with electrical voltage spikes cause excess electricity flow, which changes the material composition.

As a result, it causes premature failure. By nature, this seems like a small fry of the transistors, but it can cost a full circuit board replacement because all other micro components are attached at a micro-centimeter distance.

9. Thermal Challenges in Furnace Operations

Thermal expansion is a regular occurrence and a prime example. As your furnace heats up, solder, a metal that combines tin and lead into a strong alloy, forms electrical bonds with different materials. This bond is vital for electrical wiring and currents.

Further, it’s designed to bear high temperatures. Under continuous heat, the solder can expand and create gaps in the electrical circuit stems. Unfortunately, this expansion and subsequent cooling can make the solder brittle and weak over time and cause failures in solder connections and abnormalities.

Does this same issue happen with your system?

Not if the replaced parts are installed as per the specific codes or manufacturer guidelines. You don’t have to worry if you contact us. Our technicians are experts and work professionally by all means. Often, we have to replace or restore these connections to solve these issues.

If the solder is especially brittle and repairs will not ensure the circuit board adheres to code or manufacturer standards, they might recommend replacing the circuit board altogether to prevent future problems. While you can’t always prevent these thermal changes, understanding them helps us adapt your system and plan effective repairs.

10. Age and Environmental Factors

Another critical aspect that leads to the burning of furnace circuit boards relates to environmental and age factors. Over time, old age makes your furnace more vulnerable to malfunctions. Most circuit boards last between ten and 15 years before succumbing to general wear and tear. Vibrations, thermal expansion, and power fluctuations affect the appliance’s performance.

The Bottom Line

A furnace lasts for years, but only if you pay attention to it and maintain its health. To reduce ongoing stress and protect the electrical circuit panel. It will help restore the furnace’s operations and mitigate damage if an issue occurs. Regular check-ups and timely repairs can prevent the circuit boards from failing prematurely.

The above simple tips will expand its lifespan and ensure that things don’t go wrong. If you have any queries or want a quick fix, don’t wait—call Ventiluxes right now!

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